Sunday, May 26, 2019

Even the Blind See Smiles & The Bengaluru India Temple - You're Very Close

Arvind singing with the India Bengaluru Stake Choir at special stake conference with Sister Davies & Bishop Davies, 1st counselor of Presiding Bishopric of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Even the Blind See Smiles

Piano Recital
 “I love how the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints smile so much. Other churches I visited, mostly everyone was so serious”, said Arvind, who was born blind.

Arvind Malik, a 26-year-old man born and raised in Chamba, Himachal Pradesh, India. His accomplishments in life don’t reflect much on his disability. He has a master’s degree in music and teaches vocal lessons. 

From his childhood, Arvind attended many Christian churches, always desiring to find the right church but never feeling quite right about them.

In 2018, Arvind decided to visit Bengaluru to do some service and take a course in meditation.

“Other than the small reason to take a study course, I really don’t know why I went to Bengaluru except I had a prompting from the spirit within. I felt pushed to go six months earlier than I originally planned”, he said.

Even though he had a strong desire to follow Christ, Arvind was usually one to avoid churches over the years. He detected less spirituality and more politics among them. In August 2018 he met missionaries of the restored Church of Jesus Christ in Bengaluru, India. During their first encounter, the Elders sensed that Arvind was strong in his faith in Jesus Christ and invited him to come with them to church the next week.

Elder Dalton Thomas, one of the full-time missionaries that helped teach Arvind said, “I’ve never met anyone so prepared and with a more sincere desire to follow Christ than Arvind.” He said, Arvind told him he loved coming to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints’ meetings because of the wonderful peaceful feeling he found there.

Arvind was initially very impressed with members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints because of the happiness or smiles he detected from those he met. “As people speak, I can tell if they are smiling or not.” This inspired him to continue and soon he came to know the truth of the church and restored gospel of Jesus Christ for himself and said to himself, “This is the chance.”

Shortly after he was baptized, Arvind was given the opportunity to speak to hundreds of members in Stake Conference. He expounded briefly about Elder Jeffery R. Holland’s talk on Reconciliation.  Arvind loves to follow Jesus Christ and is excited to share what he has learned.

Arvind is mostly independent and arrives early to church each Sunday after a 2 ½ hour bus/train ride, each way.

After being ordained a Priest in the Aaronic Priesthood he enjoyed the opportunity to bless and administer the sacrament. Of course, he had to memorize the sacrament prayers.

Arvind talking with Bishop Davies after the conference
He also joined ward and stake choirs. He memorizes the words to the verses and then sings with the group. Arvind recently enjoyed performing with the Bengaluru Stake Choir when Bishop Davies of the Presiding Bishopric visited for a special conference.

Arvind often contributes profound comments to Sunday school class discussion in his ward. He recently shared that he had prayed for further insight into his “Come Follow Me” readings from the New Testament. While reading in Matthew, chapter 14 about Jesus and then Peter walking on the water, Arvind was inspired with a fresh perspective. He said, “The water is like the world. Some never exercise faith or even try to get out of the boat. Others have already drowned or overcome by the world.” He said, “I invite the spirit and it teaches me.” During another discussion about repentance, Arvind added, “Repentance is like re-painting. Daily repentance is like daily bathing.” The Stake President sometimes quotes Arvind’s insights during meetings or conferences.

Arvind felt inspired to return home and visit his family for Christmas. While at home his father, a Christian minister, told Arvind that he presented himself more like a priest, less moody and more mature than the last time they were together.

He is slowly reading the Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ, in braille. He said, “When I pray about the truthfulness of the Book, I have only received the answer to continue reading and wait.” The Book of Mormon in braille is very large; a box of large books about the size of a washing machine. Elder Thomas remembered Arvind telling him that one of his favorites was from Alma 37:6 “…but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise”.

Arvind is eagerly looking forward to someday receiving his patriarchal blessing and attending the temple as he progresses in the church.

Arvind remembers names of many of the church members he has met. One day a member decided to test Arvind’s knowledge. He had several people come up and shake Arvind’s hand. By only a handshake, he knew the names of most of the people.

Elder Thomas remembered, “Whenever we went places together, Arvind was always taking the lead and walking ahead of us with no fear, telling us he was trusting in the Lord.” This trust is evident as Arvind’s course in life changes, “I had decided that I would probably be single in life, but after meeting new families and learning about the importance of families in this church, I am reconsidering.”

The Bengaluru India Temple… “You’re very close to where it will be”
 - A Special Stake Conference, May 19, 2019 -
Bishop Davies greeting people before the conference
Bishop Dean M. Davies, First Counselor in the Presiding Bishopric of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints attended and spoke at a special Bengaluru Stake conference. It was held at the Whitefield Stake Center, Bengaluru, India on May 19, 2019.  

There were five speakers at the conference. The concluding speaker was Bishop Dean M. Davies. Bishop Davies greeted members by saying hello in two local languages, including “Namaste”. He then praised those in attendance, exclaiming that this was the most reverent stake conference he had ever attended. He praised the stake choir. He talked about how he loved music and read some words from songs that had been sung in the meeting so far. He said, “I love the hymns of Zion. I love the feelings the music brings.”

Bishop and Sister Davies singing "Love One Another"

 He then invited Sister Davies to join him at the pulpit to sing a duet of the primary song, “Love One Another.” Sister Davies sang a beautiful harmony to Bishop Davies. After they finished they asked that the congregation join them and repeat the song.

Arvind Malik, a man born blind who sang in the stake choir said, “It’s bringing a tear to my eye”, following the Davies’ Love One Another duet.

Bishop Davies spoke to the members briefly about the Bengaluru Temple plans. He mentioned that just over a year ago, before it was announced in conference, he was in a meeting with President Russell M. Nelson. They were talking about the possibility of temples in other countries. The Prophet then said that he wanted to announce a temple in India and that they deserve and need a temple.  He asked if he should wait to announce it at his planned trip to India or do it at the conference. He decided to do it in General Conference.  

Bishop Davies continued saying the plans were being developed, “I can’t yet tell you where it will be but I will tell you that you’re very close to where it will be…I would hope that within a number of months before the end of the year we will be able to share with you the temple design and the location of the temple.”

Bishop Davies went on to say that the Temple is part of Heavenly Father’s love for us and that is where we receive the exalting ordinances that will allow us to be in His presence. He then challenged everyone to prepare spiritually and collect names of family members, and then pray and fast that the temple will come soon.

“With every Temple that is built, the power of God is Amplified, and the power of the adversary is weakened. And so it will be a great light to you to have a temple here in Bangalore,” Bishop Davies asserted. He concluded by testifying of Jesus Christ and asked everyone to believe in Him by keeping our covenants and pray every day and ask for guidance.

Sister Davies speaking to a capacity crowd at the conference
Sister Davies spoke about how it was her first trip to India. She said it was a beautiful site to see so many brothers and sisters of strong faith gathered to hear the word of the Lord. Recently, there have been major changes in the church. The changes we need to make are within ourselves. She admonished everyone to study and pray for understanding.

President Sundaraj, the Bengaluru Stake President, was the first speaker. He talked about Sabbath day worship and preparing our families during the week with the "Come Follow Me" program. He emphasized that partaking of the sacrament is of equal importance to the temple.

President Mortensen, President of the India Bengaluru Mission, repeated President Nelson’s advice to repent. He also said that the war in Heaven isn’t over, just the battlefield has changed. He concluded by emphasizing what our Prophet, President Nelson has asked that we focus on Ministering, Christ-centered learning in the home, and Sabbath day observance.

Area Seventy for India, Elder Robert K. Williams began by saying that he was amazed and inspired how President Mortensen just gave most of his talk. He continued to talk more about repentance and confessing if needed. He also admonished the youth to perhaps reduce time spent playing video games. He didn’t say to eliminate this entertainment but just find the balance. He said this balance should include quality time with our family, friends and with God learning from the scriptures.  

Bishop and Sister Davies joining in a picture with the Stake Choir 

Audio clip of stake choir at the conference

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