Monday, January 20, 2020

Christmas through the New Year's Eve party * * * Y e a 2 0 2 0 !

A beautiful Poinsettia tree blooming on the Whitefield Road Ward church grounds

Christmas day - Pot luck lunch at the Mission Home

We made Pad Thai Noodles with Shrimp

The Mission President invited the young Elders who were working the visitor center up for lunch.

Don't forget to try one of my homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies with Pecans

And a few members came up.

Arvind played the piano while we sang a few Christmas songs

New years eve dinner at the mission home with homemade pizzas. With the help of a local we found some cans of A&W Root-beer.

Everyone sticking to your new year resolutions??

After dinner we went down and joined the party with ward members and the young missionaries for a scripture story scavenger hunt. 

The missionaries challenged everyone for the new year to come to know Jesus Christ by reading and studying the Book of Mormon and other scriptures using the "Come Follow Me" program of the Church. Each group received clues to a scriptural event and then went to that area in the church find a puzzle piece. Example: John 3:5 "...born of water and of the spirit..." led us to the baptismal font room.

The clue from 1 Nephi Chapter 8 that included the story of the "Tree of Life" led us to the display temporarily put up in the church courtyard.

When all the pieces were put together, the puzzle was a picture of Christ. The activity was to teach us to search the scriptures to find Jesus Christ. Through our own personal experience we have come to learn that little by little and piece by piece, we can develop a relationship with Jesus Christ by reading and studying the scriptures, especially with the Book of Mormon.

Posing for a picture while others are assembling the puzzle pieces.

Members enjoying the New Year's Eve Dinner.

And even though we just finished pizza, we sampled a tiny bit of Biryani and curry.

A few days earlier we did some apartment inspections and then enjoyed lunch at a nearby restaurant with some of the young Elders.

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