We wrote this story about a wonderful stake conference we attended November 9 - 10, 2019
Bengaluru Stake Choir led by Brother Jubal, left - The Choir sang in three part harmony: Soprano, Alto and Tenor |
Hundreds of saints from the Bengaluru Stake of The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints gathered to hear messages from their local
leaders and other brothers and sisters who prepared and presented messages. Buses
arrived bringing members from as far away as KGF. Elder David F. Evans, General
Authority Seventy and President of the Asia Area presided at the Saturday and
Sunday sessions of the conference.
Elder David F. Evans, General Authority Seventy spoke at all sessions of the Stake Conference |
Elder Evans spoke on many topics, but many were anxious to
hear if he brought news of the future temple to be built in Bengaluru, India.
He said that temple details and announcements come from the First Presidency
and he didn’t know exactly when that announcement will happen. He did say
that we will know more details including an artist’s rendition of the temple, “very
soon”, “sooner than you think.”
The Stake Presidency, President Sampson, President Sunderaj, President Anthony, President and Sister Thomas and others enjoying Elder Evans’ address |
Elder Evans spoke to everyone about how he takes notes
during conference and then proceeded to give short recaps of the talks that
were given. He talked about covenants that we make including at baptism,
detailed in Mosiah 18:8-10 in the Book of Mormon where Alma and many gathered at
the “Waters of Mormon” where people agreed to “mourn with those that mourn.” He
then shared a recent experience about his nephew and his wife’s baby named
“Charley” who was born with a serious heart problem. The family was very
concerned and asked all to fast and pray for him. He received Priesthood
blessings. Charley received two operations, but it was Heavenly Father’s will
that Charlie should return to his heavenly home and died after living only ten days. Hundreds
attended the funeral. He said this experience brought the family very close.
Many “mourned with those that mourned” and “comforted those that stand in need
of comfort.” He quoted Mosiah 18:10 where it says, “…
being baptized in the name of the Lord, as a witness
before him that ye have entered into a covenant with him, that ye will serve
him and keep his commandments, that he may pour out his Spirit more abundantly
upon you?”
Elder Evans urged all the brethren to listen to the Women’s
session of the October 2019 General Conference. He also said that your children
need to see and hear you pray, adding that Fathers need to be there for morning
and evening family prayers. He also talked about how fathers and husbands
should speak kindly with love to their family.
The Stake President, President Sunderaj, spoke about
President Nelson’s challenge for us to walk the covenant path. He said we need
to do this because we are God’s covenant children. He added that we have made
covenants at baptism, receiving the Priesthood, and covenants in the temple. He
said that keeping these covenants opens the door to spiritual blessings and
that we may receive, “All that the Father Has.”
President Sunderaj and Elder Evens Greeting a member after the Saturday evening session |
Sister Sabita Isaac, who grew up in Kathmandu, Nepal spoke
of seeking for truth, many challenges and adversities, and then countless
blessings received from the Lord while serving full time in the India Bangalore
Mission and later being eternally sealed to her husband in the holy temple.
President Thomas, India Bengaluru Mission President, spoke
about traditions in our homes leading to conversion during the Saturday evening
session. He talked about both good and bad traditions and gave examples from
the Bible and other sources.
President Thomas enjoying his wife, Sister Thomas speak on finding joy in adversity |
Several others spoke, edifying and giving strength to all of us who listened.
Hundreds attended the India Bengaluru Stake Conference November 9 – 10, 2019 |
A few buses came with members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints from KGF and other areas |
Many Latter-day Saints visited after the conference and took pictures such as this one of a few stake choir members. |
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