Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Birthday Cake and a Baptism

Enjoyed a quick piece of cake outside the mission office with a new missionary, Elder Nagaraj, that recently arrived. Apparently, many people in India like to have cake smashed on their face for their birthday.

Everyone then told us to look at the sun. I didn't look up but did a safe selfy and got a glimpse of a strange phenomenon with the sun.

We had an interesting Sunday Priesthood class discussion recently. We were discussing a talk given by Elder Dieter F. Uctdorf about Missionary work. Link - Missionary Work

From the talk, we had just read the following and were discussing our comfort zone relating to missionary work, "Perhaps we feel uncertain about how to do it. Or we might feel timid about going outside our comfort zone."  

Then, our blind friend Arvind raised his hand and gave one of his usual profound comments, "Actually I am comfortable when I'm sharing the gospel with my friends and uncomfortable when I don't."

Earlier that day on the same beautiful Sunday morning, we watched our blind friend, also a recent convert, baptize his friend Arun.

Before the ordinance, we all enjoyed a talk about baptism given by Elder Ostler and how to follow the Savior's example.

Brother Arvind currently holds the Aaronic Priesthood which gives him authority from God to baptize, under the direction of the Bishop.

Arun helped guide Arvind to the baptismal font. During the baptism, Arvind listened for prompts to assure that Arun was fully submersed below the water.

After the baptism, while they were getting dressed, Elder Ostler played two videos from stories in the New Testament. Links to videos below.

The Baptism of Jesus

Jesus Teaches of Being Born Again

Enjoyed a nice meal cooked by the Sisters

After cracking open some coconuts the Mungamuri sisters and Sister Babu made some fresh coconut milk.

Spicing up the chicken for a different curry dish.

 Lavanya roasting some peanuts and cashews

saute some onions

Add left over rice - Yum Yum

Elder Martin started playing guitar and singing "How Great Thou Art" while the sisters cooked up the great meal.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Elder and Sister Martin,
    Thank you very much for registering these wonderful events. 🤗
