Thursday, May 21, 2015

Typhoon Dolphin and Clean-up

Typhoon Dolphin landed on Guam, beginning in the evening of Friday, May 15th. They said it was a category 2 Typhoon, hitting Anderson Airforce Base at 106 mph.

Our apartment in Mangilao was closer to a category 1 at around 60 - 80 mph. We're glad we had a concrete structure. Government officials encouraged all who didn't have a strong home to go to the shelters. At least two stake members lost their homes.

Here's some videos from our apartment, a little before the storm really got going:

Many more lost their homes from Typhoon Maysak, that hit the islands of Chuuk over a month ago.

Storm track of Typhoon Dolphin
A few days later, Dolphin turned into a Super Typhoon in the ocean. Prayers were answered.

Assessing some of the damage

Sister Martin by the once-beautiful, uprooted African Tulip trees next to the mission office

Broken (fan) Palm trees near President and Sister Zarbock's - Mission Home
Down at Asan Beach. Big waves washed up rocks.

These concrete parking curbs/bumpers were washed around this parking lot like play toys. Palm trees were stripped.
Central Guam Missionaries joined the Barrigada ward youth and others for the "Adopt a Highway" cleanup, a few days after Typhoon Dolphin stirred up the litter.

Elder Fabiano and Elder Murdoch out front with Elder Waimila and Elder Tafuna, if you can see him, were close behind.

We picked up a lot of trash. Not too much Typhoon related. And we just did this highway a few weeks earlier.

A few of the Barrigada Ward youth were across the street from us. We all had a great time helping to clean up.
The vests are becoming famous on Guam

Nearly everyone wore the "Mormon Helping Hands" vests, by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It also has the great web site

Bother Ching drove behind us, picking up the large debris and full bags.
Sister Martin and I picked up hundreds of spent cigarettes. Here's an interesting link on cigarette litter in the environment.Cigarette Debris and Guam is Not an Ashtray

Thanks Brother Ching for taking our picture.

Not much in our bag but hundreds of cigarette debris

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