Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Sunsets and Stories

When you think about life and why we're here on this Earth, the Gospel of Jesus Christ makes it crystal clear that we are here for a real purpose. The happiness and joy that comes from serving and loving others makes it all worth the struggle. The following story illustrates a taste of this joy.

Fast Sunday, we had a spiritual feast hearing testimonies from the members. One young man's simple yet powerful testimony especially touched us. His face showed extreme gratitude for blessings being poured down upon him. He talked about how he was the first in his family to be baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Saturday, we attended a baptism where he baptized his brother by the authority of the Priesthood that he just received. His sister was baptized after him and gave the talk during the baptismal service.

He talked about reading a scripture, "Ask and ye shall receive, knock and it shall be opened unto you...", a few months ago that inspired him to have faith and pray.  He said he had been praying every day since reading it, asking God that his family would accept the missionaries, hear their messages and be baptized. His prayer is being answered as some of his family have now joined the church.

He said he knew that Thomas S. Monson is the living prophet today, and that the Book of Mormon, another testament of Jesus Christ, is true.

There were three people blessed that day, with the gift of the Holy Ghost that were baptized within the last week. One looked to be about 10, and the other two were teen aged.

There are so many more stories similar to this one we could go on and on.

These sunset pictures were from our Monday night family home evening with our mission nurse and the other senior couples on Guam.
Elder and Sister Martin at the Paseo de Susana Park in Guam

What a great group to be associated with.

Sister McClellan had arranged for us to meet at Paseo de Susana Park near the Chomorro village, with a little Italian dinner.

Sister MacCabe painting a water color of the sunset we watched

We watched the sunset and then talked for the next hour or so.

While walking across the grass, we saw many holes that looked like Gofer holes. We were informed by the more experienced seniors that they were made by crabs. We had to be careful not to step in one and possibly turn an ankle while walking back to the car in the dark.

Our next blog will be in a couple of weeks after we get back from the three islands in the eastern part of our mission...Kosrae, Chuuk, and Pohnpei.

1 comment:

  1. What beautiful sunsets and equally beautiful testimonies!
