Sunday, April 27, 2014

P-Day (preparation day...a

Yesterday was Saturday, our once a week preparation day, typically a day off from normal missionary duties. We decided to post various details to give you an idea of the goings on here.

Elder Martin - Pago Bay in background
We woke up as usual, Sister Martin at about 6:00 am and Elder Martin at about 6:30 am. At 7:00 am we went for our typical walk/jog down by the ocean from the University of Guam Campus.

We walk by some beautiful newer homes down a hill until we reach the Marine Research Laboratory. Then we walk down to a look-out over the ocean and then down sort of a boat ramp to Pago Bay. We may go snorkeling there some day.

After coming back, at about 7:45, Elder Martin started working on a new pancake recipe, perhaps never before created or thought of. We both actually liked it a lot so we added it to our written recipes. It's called Grandpa Mike's Wheat/Coconut Pancakes. We poured some Chokecherry/Elderberry syrup(brought from home) on them, which tasted good, and some maple syrup as well. Wish we had our coconut/macadamia nut syrup. We saw an ABC store in town that may carry it.

At about 9:30 am we picked up Sister McClellan, the mission nurse, to enjoy a pleasant day at the annual Micronesia Island Fair.

This fair includes local arts and crafts, music, dancers and entertainment, food, various vendors, etc. It also includes some vendors and entertainers from other islands.

Sister Martin, Sister Ande, Sister Whipple & Sister Finau pointing to large screw,
and Sister Vave
Just before we arrived, a sister missionary called in distress with a flat tire, wondering why the spare wasn't as tall as the regular tire. Since we were only about 5 or so minutes away, we decided to assist them. We took the tire down the street to get it repaired. After the sisters installed the tire, we were on our way.

We arrived at the festival at about 11:30 am. Just when we arrived, Sister McClellan received a call from a sick missionary on the island of Saipan and talked to them about their situation.

At around noon Elder Martin received a call from two Elders who were locked out of their apartment. All keys to the car and the apartment were inside.
Sister McClellan

Sister Martin with a hand carved wood purse from the Philippines

Sister McClellan and Sister Martin stayed at the fair while Elder Martin drove back to the Mission office to get the spare set of apartment keys.

While at the office, the AP's called and said that the Zone Leaders in the island of Chuuk were trying to call me, Elder Martin, with a problem. I called back but no answer. After rescuing the Elders with the key, and being around 2:00 pm, with no more parking available at the festival, and a baptism at 4:00 pm, we decided to head back.

After arriving back home to our apartment, we both fell asleep. Unfortunately, we missed the baptism. We then got ready for the evening session of Stake Conference at 6:00 pm. Arriving early we greeted and talked to several people, including the young lady who had come into the mission office a couple of weeks ago wanting to be taught the gospel...see earlier blog post. She will be baptized on May 10th, while we are out visiting the other islands. We wanted to go to that one.

At about 6:45, Elder Martin had to go to the airport to drop off Elder and Sister Hurst's car, who were arriving in from the island of Kosrae. Their flight was first delayed 4 days and now 1 1/2 hours. Sister Hurst was supposed to speak in evening Stake conference but missed it.

The sisters who had the flat tire that day were also at the airport, picking up a returning sister who just finished her mission at the Laie Hawaii temple visitors center. A few minutes later, President and Sister Mecham arrived at the airport, on their way to the island of Yap for 4 days. Elder Martin greeted them and took their car back to the Stake Center, just as conference was ending at around 7:30 pm.

Sister Martin then told me, Elder Martin, about a talk in conference that I missed, about the sister of the Catholic lady that we met and talked to today at the tire repair shop. To make a long story short, it was about how the speaker hesitated in sharing the gospel many years ago to his teacher, but who later joined the church. Her twin sister is who we talked to today.

We then took the Mecham's car back to their home to park it there and after drove home. The night was dark and humid as we began to BBQ chicken after waiting an hour for the charcoal to be ready. Our neighbors, the Hurst's, (Family History missionaries) were just arriving home. We chatted while our chicken finished cooking. They live just two doors down.

At 11:00 pm we enjoyed doing a video call with the Bullens.

(Early for them - 7:00 am their time).

Fun, fun.

It was early in the morning for sleepy Laura.

But when she started telling us about how she was making money and saving for something, she perked right up.

We had fun talking to them until well after midnight, Guam time.

At about 1:00 am we went to bed. Another wonderful day of missionary work.

Today, Sunday the 27th of April, we went to Stake Conference and then came back to video call with the Sparti's.

We were all excited to see each other. Gavin and Gage had just gone to bed. Lindsay said that Gage is taking swimming lessons. He cried non-stop the first five lessons. Lindsay promised him his favorite treat if he would stop crying. He hasn't cried since. He is water safe now.

Gavin and Grace are also taking swim lessons.

Aliza, Grace and Gavin are all in Soccer.

Grace said she almost scored a goal in the rain that morning, and was enjoying Activity days.

Aliza is now in Young Women's and was excited for girl's camp coming up in the summer. She said it is more fun than Primary.

We love all of our children and grandchildren.

We know the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ is true and we are very grateful to work and serve in this part of the Lord's vineyard. We are having fun!

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