Tuesday, February 25, 2014

A Truckload of Little Miracles

In getting ready for our mission we had to sell our Jeep and truck. We prayed to be able to sell them in a timely manner before we entered the MTC. Our sincere prayers were answered, faster than we expected.
I bought the truck brand new back in 1995. Selling it was not easy since I owned it for nearly 20 years. But, we needed to simplify and reduce stuff that would devalue and deteriorate during our mission. I listed it in the classifieds late on a Thursday night for $8,995.00 (High book value). Friday morning I received a call while on my way to work from a man in Idaho. He was looking for a truck like that but my price was way to high for a truck almost 20 years old. I told him I was not ready to lower the price yet. He said good luck selling it. 
Minutes later, a girl in her early 20's called and wondered if my truck was still for sell. I said it hadn't sold yet. She worked on a small ranch in our small town of Heber City and needed a truck. She wanted to see it immediately so I gave her my wife's phone number.  She came and drove it with her mom and said they wanted to buy it. The next morning she brought over a cashier's check for $9,000.00. Her mom later told my wife that her daughter drove by our house several times and said, “I wish that truck was for sale.” And lo and behold, she looked on the classifieds and it was, and only had 58,000 miles on it.
A few days ago we listed our jeep for $12,995.00 (High book value). A man called me, four hours away in Torrey, Utah and arranged a time to come look at the jeep a few days later. After two hours inspecting the vehicle he finally decided to buy it for $12, 998. Coincidentally, both vehicles only had 58,000 miles. We got the price we were asking for on both vehicles. We know we had help from above.

1 comment:

  1. It's so amazing how Heavenly Father takes care of the minor details! Love this story.
